Collection: Coloring Books

A diverse collection of culturally sensitive and inclusive coloring books to showcase communities around the world.
Our coloring books are meticulously crafted to capture the essence of refugees' home countries, providing a meaningful sense of familiarity and representation.

Help us expand our work!

Do you know of a community that could use our resources? We want to contextualize our products for more communities around the world! Share your suggestions below:

  • Rohingya Coloring Book, a helpful mental health resource for Rohingya refugees around the world

    "A wonderful resource for the families we serve."

    Our Rohingya clients can benefit from books like these in many ways. There is room here for Rohingya-speaking parents to share their language and their stories with their children who have no memories of their homeland. The parents in our families are not literate in Rohingya, and this is a simple, excellent tool for pushing them towards literacy.

    - Educator, USA

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  • "One mum had tears in her eyes, thanking us for the colouring books for her children."

    The books have been wonderful for helping the children feel seen. We should all recognize ourselves in art and literature. The books have been a wonderful way to help the children positively reflect on their past and their future."

    - Educator at Rochdale Borough Council, United Kingdom

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  • Afghan Coloring Book, a helpful mental health resource for Afghan refugees around the world.

    "So nice to have coloring books that speak their language."

    Brought the books for Afghan refugees in Europe, they loved them.  We're working on them every time I came in the room. So nice to have coloring books that "speak their language", culture, etc. 
    - Educator, Germany

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