Collection: SALE

Perfect for customers on a budget who want to check out our outdated books!

Because we're always updating our books based on feedback, we have outdated versions that can't be sold at full price.

Our sale items feature older editions of books that have been updated, books with typos or printing errors, and other similar issues.

Be sure to read each description to find out the specific 'defect' in the books.

  • Picture Dictionary for ESL Beginners - Afghan

    "A greatly appreciated resource in helping refugees."

    I’ve just placed my second order for the Afghan version of the wonderful (!) dictionary. Such a well done and a greatly appreciated resource in helping refugees. I love the sweet simplicity and picture format, yet so comprehensive in essential vocabulary and so nicely contextualized.

    - Educator, USA

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  • Picture Dictionary for ESL Beginners - Rohingya

    "This picture dictionary is helping me to be closer with my culture."

    This is my first time I've ever seen the Rohingya language. I can easily understand the meaning of words by the help of the Rohingya language. From my childhood, I love cartoons so much. This book helps me with my drawing. All activities are related with my culture. This picture dictionary is helping me to be closer with my culture.

    - Rohingya student, Bangladesh

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  • Picture Dictionary for ESL Beginners - Rohingya

    "I have never seen this kind of book before."

    I fell in love with this book when I first saw it. At the very beginning, I have spent several days just only on this book's cartoons. All these cartoons are so cute. I love them so much. It makes me so happy when I speak to myself with the cartoons.
    - Rohingya student, USA

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